Remember Shalisa. She made an appearance in one of my posts last month. She has recently been featured once again. Shalisa is currently finishing off her first college degree in Halifax at St. Mary’s University. A great school by the way, my sister is starting her first year there now. Shalisa, being the edgy/adventurous fashionista that she is caught the attention of a Street Style Blogger who just so happens to work in her rental office. On this particular day Shalisa happen to be wearing denim on denim. A popular trend, see here and here. So proud of her! (If you ask me, I think she should start a blog too!)
And now for the face behind the feature….Danna!
Dream Hair. Inspirations. & Outfit Features.
Definitely the place to go for an outfit inspiration and if your located in the Halifax area, Street Style.
And something that’s unique about her street style posts, it includes a mini bio about the person, their personal style & shopping habits.
And to make it even better, she posts daily! Check her out!