

Photo by Earl Jones

Be who you were meant to be.

Be who you believe you are.

Be that person, wholly, entirely, fully.


February 4, 2019:

This day marks the anniversary of my blog and this year will make 8 years since I started OnPinkShores. For the past 2-3 years, I would say that I have not lived up to the term blogger, because I really haven’t been ‘blogging’. I’ve consistently been collecting content as if I wanted to post about it, but never actually created the posts. And when I look back at old posts, I’m pretty sure I’ve written the line ‘I’m back‘, ‘Sorry for the lack of posts‘, ‘I’ve been so busy lately‘, etc. about a dozen times. I always seemed to find some excuse as to why ‘life’ got in the way of me posting. In some ways this is true, because my schedule is quite hectic (between my day job and the side jobs I always work on) but this isn’t the only reason. I think part of it came from fear. Fear of sharing myself and my life with the world, putting myself out there to be judged. (The internet is a cruel world.) The blogging world has evolved so much since I first started it, and the industry is so saturated now, there was a point where I thought, why bother, just give it up. There were so many other bloggers out there that were creating better content than me, I was afraid I couldn’t compete, but there was always a voice inside me that kept holding on.  Why I don’t entirely know, but I think I am going to try and listen to that voice and hold on a little longer.

This year will be my year for giving it a go, everything I’ve always wanted to try but always found a reason not to. The past two years have been very trying for me, there have been a lot of up and downs and changes. From these experiences I believe I have grown so much, and I think it is time I finally explore that growth. I have always chosen to work on other’s dreams before my own, and it’s time I believed in myself the same way I have others. So here is to being myself and the woman I believe I am meant to be. Welcome to the 2019 version of OnPinkShores by Tamaraxo, I hope you enjoy the journey.

Ps. If you want a laugh and an example of me repeating myself and my excuses, check this out. SMH! If it’s not different this time, I promise, I will retire this blog Lol.

About Tamaraxo

29-year-old island girl with a love of fashion & travel.

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