
Stranger Tides

(top & skirt from Pirate’s Port [Bermuda]; Forever 21 bangles; Steve Madden wedges; Mango purse)
So this title has nothing to do with my outfit but everything to do with my nails. This colour is ‘Stranger Tides’ from the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 collection OPI came out last year when the movie came out. I’m a POTC fanatic so when I was finally able to get my hands on this colour I was a little excited 🙂 Not an everyday colour but something I can definitely rock from summer into fall.
This was my outfit on Friday for work. It is usually a casual day at work on Friday but I felt like dressing up a little. It’s too hot right now to wear jeans and since I literally have no [work] skirts I took this dress and paired it with a top to create a whole new outfit! I swear it is always my “last-minute-throw-something-on-don’t-even-think-about-it”outfits that end up being some of my favourites.
♥ Tamaraxo
Follow me on Instagram: @lovetamaraxo | Twitter | Facebook

About Tamaraxo

29-year-old island girl with a love of fashion & travel.

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