You all remember Werelse right? The amazing brand created by Chiara, Andy and Carolina. That I posted about here, the same brand that also just won Best Blogger Business at the Bloglovin’ awards. Yeah that Werelse. Well they are having a contest called “As Seen On”. Werelse lovers sent in photos of an outfit they put together using one of their shirts. I entered one of my photos, it was actually a random outfit I put together to wear to the photoshoot that I did for my new blog photos, the outfit was never planned but we decided to shoot in it anyway. Long story short, I MADE THE TOP TEN! I am super excited right now! But now I need your help! The winner of the contest will be featured in the ‘As Seen On’ section on plus a 100 euro Werelse Voucher. But that’s not all, they are also giving the voters a chance to win something. One voter will have the chance to win a 50 euro Werelse Voucher.
Voting ends at the end of the week. Shame I just noticed it up today, I was so excited and preoccupied by my new job. Lol.
Thanksss !
♥ Tamaraxo