(Forever 21 sweater, shorts & necklace; Nine West purse; Steven Madden wedges sneakers)
So we had this big elaborate plan to go out to a club to bring in my birthday – well that just didn’t happen. We decided to go out after FNO and well, turned out I slept to bring my birthday in waking up at 1am. But still feeling the need to do something to celebrate that my day had started we took a ‘midnight’ [1am] stroll to Times Square. So after catching the subway in the complete wrong direction and walking twenty blocks back uptown – literally walking past our hotel – we finally arrived. So glad I wore my new Steve Maddens and that they turned out to be comfortable! I had a bit of a dyslexic moment thinking Times Square was on 24th instead of 42nd. It was actually pretty quiet which I was surprised, but everybody probably felt the same way, exhausted from all the FNO madness.
It wasn’t much and we didn’t stay long because we had to wake up early for a show but glad I’m got to do something. Outfit part 2 of my birthday tomorrow 🙂 [I ended up wearing 3.5 outfits in the 24hr time span of my birthday, I think that is the most outfits I have ever worn in one day]
♥ Tamaraxo